Tuesday, February 19, 2008


IOUG Collaborate 2008

It's been a while since I've added anything to this block. I guess I just got busy with other things. Well, I'm going to try to change that. First, I'm going to be at IOUG Collaborate 2008 and I am giving a session on "Advantages of Running Oracle 11g on Microsoft Windows". I hope to see you there. Second, I'm soliciting topics for future blogs. Please reply to this post with ideas and I will take them under considerations. Questions are also fine, I'll answer them if I can.


Well my basic question would be - would you say RAC is a good option on Windows too? With the special clusterware and all?
I have done many implementations of Oracle RAC on Windows. Just to be clear, Oracle RAC on Windows uses Oracle Clusterware. I prefer to also use ASM for RAC rather than OCFS.
We are planning our install of Oracle 64 bit on Windows in about a month. We have been using Windows 2003 as our operating system of choice currently. We have been through Windows 2000, Windows NT and now this is our next step. I am trying to find anyone who has had any issues with 64bit on Windows. I would like to avoid any pitfalls. Since this is pretty new I expect some bugs. Also everyone I have talked to that uses Oracle on Window is using the 32 bit version. Do you know of any sites that might be a good place to look?
I am also going to IOUG Collaborate 2008. I would like to attend your session on "Advantages of Running Oracle 11g on Microsoft Windows". We have not been approved to run on anything except 10. We had so many issues with 10 that I think they will drag their feet with 11.
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