Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Using Oracle in a Windows VM
Microsoft recently introduced Hyper-v with Windows 2008 Server. In order to determine the overhead of running Oracle on Hyper-v we performed a benchmark on identical hardware using both Hyper-v and a non-virtual server using Oracle 10g for Windows. The resulting whitepaper is available for download from our website: www.perftuning.com.
With Windows Server 2008, everything needed to support database server virtualization is available as an integral part of the operating system – Windows Server 2008 Hyper-v. This whitepaper demonstrates the performance capabilities of Oracle 10g on Hyper-v. It also has provides several best practices and resources essential to virtualization of Oracle database workloads.
Please visit our website and take a look.
With Windows Server 2008, everything needed to support database server virtualization is available as an integral part of the operating system – Windows Server 2008 Hyper-v. This whitepaper demonstrates the performance capabilities of Oracle 10g on Hyper-v. It also has provides several best practices and resources essential to virtualization of Oracle database workloads.
Please visit our website and take a look.
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Nice paper. Have you considered running swingbench in 4 virtual machines simultaneously? In practice, a 16-core machine like yours would never be used for just a single VM, yet it would be invalid to extend your conclusions to multiple VMs. The problem is that when you restrict the physical machine to 4 cores only one socket is used, while the 4 virtual CPUs in the Hyper-V VM can run across all the sockets. The result is that the VM has up to 4 times the cache resources available to it than the physical machine. Comparing 4 VMs to a single 16-CPU physical instance would have its own issues (e.g. SMP scaling of Oracle/swingbench), but at least the hardware used would be the same. I think the only way to get a perfect apples-to-apples comparison is to yank the processors in 3 of the sockets, then repeat your test.
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